Everything You Need To Know About Process Serving

Learn all about process serving and how Freestate Investigations, LLC Legal Services is your trusted process serving experts.

A man trying to Find Someone to Serve Court Papers

How to Find Someone to Serve Court Papers?

Serving court papers is a fundamental part of the legal process. It ensures that individuals are formally notified of legal actions against them, giving them the opportunity to respond. But what happens when the person being served is difficult to locate? This is where process servers step in. If you’re wondering, “how do process servers find you?”, the answer lies in a combination of investigative techniques, legal knowledge, and persistence. Whether serving papers in Washington, DC, or elsewhere, professional process servers use a range of strategies to track down individuals and ensure proper service of legal documents. 1. How Do Process Servers Find You? A

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What’s the Difference Between Apostille and Authentication?

What’s the Difference Between Apostille and Authentication?

When it comes to legalizing documents for use in another country or validating them for specific purposes, you’ve likely encountered the terms “apostille” and “authentication.” While they may seem similar, they serve distinct purposes and are required in different situations. So, what is the difference between apostille and authentication? This guide will walk you through the key differences, use cases, and how to determine which one you need. Apostille vs. Authentication: A Quick Overview The U.S. Department of State currently processes federal apostille requests within 6 to 8 weeks. This timeframe applies to documents such as FBI background checks and other federally issued documents that

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Fake Process Server Calls: How to Know If It Is Legitimate?

Fake Process Server Calls: How to Know If It Is Legitimate?

Receiving a visit or call from someone claiming to be a process server can be intimidating. It’s not just about the stress of legal matters—it’s the uncertainty of whether the person is legitimate or a scammer. Scammers posing as process servers are becoming more common, using fear and confusion to target unsuspecting individuals. If you’re asking yourself, “Did a fake process server come to my house?” this guide will help you identify the red flags and confirm whether the call or visit was genuine. What Is a Process Server? A process server is an individual authorized to deliver legal documents, such as summonses, subpoenas, or

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Can You Sue Someone for Hiring a Private Investigator?

Understanding Your Rights and the Limits of Private Investigations Private investigators often operate behind the scenes, gathering evidence, conducting surveillance, and providing insights for legal, personal, or corporate matters. But what happens if you find out someone has hired a private investigator to follow you or dig into your personal life? Can you sue someone for hiring a private investigator? What are the legal rights and limitations when it comes to private investigations? In this blog, we’ll address these questions in detail, covering the legalities of hiring private investigators, situations where lawsuits might arise, and the rights and boundaries both clients and investigators must respect.

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How to Serve CT Corporation System and Where

How to Serve CT Corporation System and Where

If you’ve been tasked with serving legal papers to a business represented by CT Corporation System, you might wonder where to begin. As one of the largest registered agent services in the U.S., CT Corporation System handles legal documents for countless companies—but serving them must be done correctly.  Whether you’re a law firm, individual, or organization, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know, from locating the right address to ensuring compliance with legal requirements. What Is CT Corporation System? Think of the CT Corporation System as a legal mailroom for businesses. When companies register with a state, they must designate a

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How to Serve Papers to Someone You Can't Find

How to Serve Papers to Someone You Can’t Find

Serving legal papers is a critical part of the legal process, ensuring that everyone involved in a case is properly notified. However, what happens when the person you need to serve is intentionally hiding or difficult to locate? Serving papers to someone who is deliberately evading service is a challenge that many legal professionals, businesses, and individuals face.  In this blog, we’ll explore proven strategies for serving legal documents to someone you can’t find, including methods like skip tracing, alternative service options, and working with professionals to ensure compliance. Why Is Serving Someone So Hard? Before we dive into strategies for serving papers to someone

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diplomatic immunity

A Quick Guide to Serving Individuals with Diplomatic Immunity

Diplomatic immunity is an international law concept that protects diplomats from legal actions in their host countries. It helps them perform their duties without interference.  However, this raises challenges for process servers. They must navigate complex procedures to serve diplomats involved in legal disputes. In this guide, we’ll break down the process, the exceptions to immunity, and how the process works when a diplomat is involved. But before anything else, let us explain the basics. What Is Diplomatic Immunity? It is a legal protection granted to diplomats. It ensures they cannot be prosecuted or sued while performing their official duties in a foreign country.  Established

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What is a Subpoena and How to Serve It?

You might have heard of this term in legal proceedings. But what is a subpoena, exactly? Simply put, it is a legal document that commands someone to either testify in court or produce certain documents related to a case.  Whether you are an individual or a legal professional, understanding the process of serving the document is crucial. This article explains how it works and the steps for serving it in everyday language. An Overview It is a written legal order issued by a court or other legal authority. It compels someone to attend court as a witness or to produce specific documents or evidence.  There

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asset investigation

Asset Investigation – What You Need to Know Before Engaging

Asset investigation is a critical process to uncover and verify an individual’s or company’s financial status, property holdings, and other valuable assets.  Whether you’re involved in a legal dispute, considering a significant business transaction, or simply conducting due diligence, understanding the ins and outs of asset checking is crucial.  We will discuss the critical aspects of this kind of investigation, helping you make informed decisions before engaging in this complex process. Understanding the Process Asset investigations, also known as asset search or asset tracing, is the systematic process of identifying and locating assets owned by a person or entity.  These assets include real estate, vehicles,

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5 Best Ways to Proceed if Process Servers Can’t Locate their Targets

Process serving is crucial in ensuring individuals are appropriately notified of legal proceedings against them. However, it’s common for process servers to encounter difficulties locating their targets, underscoring the importance of their role in the legal process.  When traditional methods fall short, it’s crucial to have practical alternative strategies in place. This article delves into the five best ways court servers can do when dealing with elusive targets. 1. Leverage Social Media and Online Resources These resources are invaluable tools for locating individuals. The document servers can use these platforms to gather information about a target’s whereabouts, habits, and connections. Start by conducting thorough searches

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